Mar 22, 2018

Why Choose Artificial Grass?

Artificial Grass

3 Reasons To Consider Artificial Grass

Lawn is something coveted by most; offering many things, from it’s lush green appearance, curb appeal and functionality. What many aren’t so fond of is the high level of maintenance needed to keep a lawn looking this way. Mowing, edging, fertilizing, overseeding and weeding are quite the undertaking. Before you give up your summer weekends you may want to consider artificial grass, which looks surprisingly real. To bring emphasis to its benefits, we’ve chosen 3 reasons to consider artificial grass.

Lower Maintenance

Put away that mower, because you'll never need it again! While artificial grass does require some maintenance, it pales in comparison to traditional lawn which needs constant attention. Synthetic grass is UV resistant, sustaining its vibrant green color. It also has excellent drainage which prevents pooling water and washouts. These benefits guarantee year-round beauty with minimal effort on your part. The days of constant watering, mowing and fertilizing are over.


Natural lawn is prone to brown spots, fading, weeds and disease. If you put outdoor furniture directly on lawn you can bet there will be a patch of dead grass when you move it. Artificial grass can take heavy foot traffic, children and pet use with no visible signs of wear. It looks just as beautiful as the day it was installed, immaculately beautiful year-round.


One of the natural lawn's sworn enemies are pets. Their urine is so acidic, it burns lawn leaving brown dead patches. Not only will artificial grass endure the abuse from pets, but it will also look unchanged! Also, dirt, mud and grime tracking into your home will be practically non-existent; it doesn't contain dirt, therefore any mud!

Interested in discussing how artificial grass could work for you?
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Erica Mooney
Email Erica Mooney

Erica is an avid lover of the outdoors, and transformed that love into a partnership running Valley West with Ryan 2012.

Landscape Design, landscape tips, lawncare, artificial grass

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