Christmas always seems to fade quickly, with gifts unwrapped and decorations down you are eyeing the elephant in the room....the TREE. What should you do with the rapidly shedding tree? Throw to the curb? Close your eyes and hope it disappears (we all wish)? Below are 6 uses for Christmas Trees. We'd love to hear from you, comment below to let us know if you have any suggestions.
Mother nature knows best. As seen in a forest, needles fall and are utilized as a protective mulch cover. Using the needles from your Christmas tree as as mulch cover works wonderfully as they dry quickly and decompose slowly. Using them to cover your perennials can prevent frost damage from occurring.
Feeling crafty? You can transform your Christmas tree into beautiful "pintrest" looking coasters by cutting the trunk into thin slices. Follow these step-by-step instructions on how to transform your Christmas tree into adorable coasters. Maybe even Christmas gifts for someone next year!
Thinly sliced tree trunk, placed on edge, can be used to make planting bed borders. You can even use them as step stones when they are placed flat on the ground. You may need to dig out the ground and apply gravel as a base and incorporate bigger slices as well. This adds a beautiful naturalized look to a landscape.
Make a new tradition with your family, burn the tree together. Maybe a little sad, but talk about plans for the upcoming year and make it fun.
Throwing your chemical free branches in a near by pond or lake gives fish an area to winter over (providing shelter). You may need permission to do this, so check with local town officials first.
Recycling your Christmas tree helps the environment by turning it's bi-product into bark mulch or compost. You can also donate used wreaths and trees to non-profits. For information on the donation and recycling process, click here (also gives your the closest locations for doing so in your area). Please keep in mind that you must remove tinsel and all ornaments beforehand. Typically, lawn care companies will offer a removal service as well.